Morgan's Hair Darkening

Looking for grey hair solutions? Grey hair can be ageing but with the use of Morgan’s Hair Darkening products you can achieve a more youthful appearance. Morgan’s Hair Darkening products work naturally with the hair helping it to maintain a natural looking, darker colour. In contrast to traditional dyes our products work gradually therefore avoiding a drastic colour change. Together with darkening the hair, the range also effectively styles the hair. The products are easy to use without mixing or mess. Just apply daily and watch as, “Morgan’s simply takes the grey away”.
Subject before using Morgan’s Hair Darkening Products
Subject after 2 weeks of using Morgan’s Hair Darkening Products
Subject after 4 weeks of using Morgan’s Hair Darkening Products

How to Use

With Morgan’s Hair Darkening Range, you are in control of how much grey you want to lose. It works by gradually restoring a natural looking colour so you can leave a little grey by stopping application at any time. Alternatively, you can decide which areas you want to darken, or you can keep applying to the whole hair until all the grey is gone. The choice is yours.

1.        Wash hair and towel dry (avoid washing too often).

2.        Apply evenly throughout the hair.

3.        Continue process daily.

4.        Sunlight in hot countries or hairdryer can accelerate the process.

5.        Reduce frequency once desired colour is achieved.

The product works better the longer it is left in the hair. Continue to apply daily until the desired hair colour is achieved. Typically results will show in 3-4 weeks. Once the ideal shade is achieved simply reduce the application to two or three times a week to maintain the colour on the new growth.

The speed of darkening depends on temperature, amount of sunlight and the porosity of the hair. The more porous your hair, the faster the products will work. Less porous hair takes longer to darken.

Morgan’s Original Pomade

Morgan's Pomade - 100g
The World’s most famous darkening pomade. The classic solution to grey and ageing hair, tried and tested since 1873. Gradually darkens grey hair over a period of 3-4 weeks without the use of conventional dyes. The unique formula of Morgan’s Pomade also controls, shapes and enlivens hair as well as moisturising it.

Regular use will achieve a suitable hair colour shade over a short period of time which can be maintained by less frequent applications. Suitable for all hair types, Morgan’s Pomade helps revitalise dry and brittle hair as well as maintaining a healthy scalp. Enriched with Wheatgerm Oil – contains vitamin E.

For more information about the darkening process please check our FAQ section.

Suitable for dry, thick, curly, brittle and normal hair.
Le baume de Morgan fonce progressivement les cheveux gris sur une courte période. Il est parfaitpour tous les types de cheveux, aide à revitaliser les cheveux secs et cassants et à conserver un cuir chevelu en bonne santé.
Conseils d'utilisation: Appliquez le baume de manière uniforme sur les cheveux et massez bien les racines. Brossez ou peignez vos cheveux comme d'habitude. Appliquez le baume quotidiennement jusqu'à ce que la couleur de cheveux désirée soit obtenue. Une fois la couleur idéale obtenue, réduisez les applications à deux ou trois fois par semaine pour conserver la couleur.
Morgan’s Pomade oscurece gradualmente el cabello canoso a en un corto periodo de tiempo. Morgan
puede utilizarse en todo tipo de cabellos y lo ayudará a revitalizar el cabello seco y quebradizo, y a mantener una cabellera sana.
Instrucciones de uso: Aplique la pomada de manera uniforme por todo el cabello y frótela bien para que penetre en las raíces. Cepille o peine el cabello como lo hace normalmente. Continúe aplicando la pomada a diario hasta lograr el matiz de color deseado en el cabello. Una vez que logró el tono ideal, reduzca las aplicaciones a dos o tres veces por semana para mantener el color.
Morgan’s Pomade dunkelt graues Haar innerhalb von kurzer Zeit allmählich nach. Morgan’s ist für jeden Haartyp ideal geeignet, fördert die Revitalisierung trockener und spröder Haare und sorgt zudem für eine bleibend gesunde Kopfhaut.
Gebrauchsanweisung: Tragen Sie die Pomade gleichmäßig auf das Haar auf und massieren Sie sie gründlich bis in den Haaransatz ein. Bürsten oder kämmen Sie Ihr Haar wie gewöhnlich. Verwenden Sie die Pomade täglich, bis der gewünschte Farbton erreicht ist. Sobald der ideale Farbton erzielt wurde, verwenden Sie die Pomade nur noch zwei oder drei Mal wöchentlich, um die Farbe beizubehalten.

Morgan’s Hair Darkening Cream

Morgan’s Hair Darkening Cream achieves the same results as the pomade by gradually darkening grey hair over a period of 3-4 weeks without the use of conventional dyes.  Regular use of Morgan’s Hair Darkening Cream enables the user to achieve a suitable hair colour shade over a short period of time which can be maintained by subsequent, less frequent, applications.

Morgan’s Hair Darkening Cream is suitable for all hair types. The unique light formula helps control, shape, enliven and revitalise dry and brittle hair as well as darkening and controlling the hair.

For more information about the darkening process please check our FAQ section.
Morgan's Hair Darkening Cream - 150ml Tube

Morgan’s Liquid Colour Restorer

Morgan's Liquid Colour Restorer - 120ml
A liquid hair colour restorer that gradually takes away the grey, creating and maintaining dark, lustrous hair. The restorer gradually darkens grey hair over a period of 3-4 weeks allowing the user to restore hair colour to their desired shade without the use of conventional instant dyes. Suitable for normal hair, long hair and to darken temples.

This exclusive formulation contains Panthenol which helps maintain health and vitality in the hair as well as being an excellent moisturiser. Morgan’s Liquid Colour Restorer increases lustre and brilliance, delivering colour, shine and conditioning in one application.

Morgan’s Hair Darkening Mousse

Morgan’s Hair Darkening Mousse styles hair whilst darkening it. This light formulation mousse is the ideal two-in-one product that enables the user to maintain health and vitality as well as daily styling. Enriched with extracts of Coltsfoot, Chamomile and Cornflower.  Suitable for normal and fine hair providing styling and thickening benefits.

Environmentally friendly non-aerosol foam dispenser.

For more information about the darkening process please check our FAQ section.
Morgan's Hair Darkening Mousse - 150ml